Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Discovering my why!

I have now been a Beachbody Coach for a few months.  Everything has become apparent to me why this was a good fit for me in my life.  A little about my past.  I was a model for Wilhelmina models in my teens.  I also kept very active as a high school cheerleader.  I was heavily into fitness to keep myself in shape.  After high school I joined the Army National Guard where I pushed my self in my fitness level.  It was awesome.  I was running a 14:30 min  2 mile which was a max for my age.    Fast forward to a few years later I became a mother not only once but 3 times.  With my second pregnancy,(I was 13 weeks pregnant at the time,) I woke up one morning with  blurred vision, the worst headache of my life and numbness on the right side of my body from my head to my waist.  Terrified not knowing what was happening I went to the ER.  They ran some tests on me and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong.  Laying in pain with bright lights shining in my eyes I asked to be released from the hospital because they were not making the situation better.  ( I literally have never had this bad of pain before and I just wanted to pass away.)  The following weeks led to a bunch of testing.  I saw a neurologist who said it was a Tia (mini stroke) that was possibly caused by a hole in my heart.  I was then sent to see the cardiologist who proceeded to do and Eco cardiogram on me.  I soon got the results back confirming that in fact I did have a hole in my heart and that they would need to do surgery.  They also sent me to get an MRI scan to see if any blood clots reached my brain. (I was very blessed that none had.)  To help control my condition, I was sent to high risk pregnancy doctors.  They there determined that I have a blood clotting disorder and put me on heparin shots through the duration of my pregnancy to thin my blood.  They were trying to prevent this from happening to me again.  After I delivered my baby, the doctors had me do an endoscope which is a tube they shove down your throat while your awake to look at your heart.  To all of our surprise the hole was gone!!!  When I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd kiddo I ended up giving my self shots again.  The task of giving myself shots daily in the stomach was not a fun one and I knew that I wouldn't want to do something like that the rest of my life.  I topped my weight out at 227lbs which is overweight for my height and I knew that if I didn't do something about it I could be at risk for diabetes.  Like I said before I didn't want to give myself shots the rest of my life so I started to make a life style change.  My friend introduced me to P90X which has helped me lose 59lbs and get my health under control.  This has been such a huge change for me and I wanted to do something to help others do the same.  This is my WHY for being a coach with Beachbody. 

If you are struggling with your weight and fitness I would love to help you out.  My website is www.beachbodycoach.com/COACHCORIN  and you can email me with any questions.